Sunday, November 20, 2011

It is coming.....

I just adore this picture of this old golden caught in a string of lights....

Do you remember what it felt like? Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again during Christmas, waiting for Santa Claus and decorating the tree.

I cannot wait to spend my first Christmas as a Lloyd! Cheers to my beautiful husband Bryan, I love you so much!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Back to School

From here

I don't know about you, but my favorite season is fall. Today on my walk with Tex there was a certain crispness in the air, and I thought to is coming! I wish we lived in a place that actually experienced the real fall, but Southern California is beautiful no matter what. I cannot wait for pumpkins, apple cider, and soup. Isn't this just the best time of year?

In addition to the changing seasons, I am now back in school. My schedule is insane and I often do not get to see my husband during the week much, but I am loving everything I am studying. I want to be an elementary school teacher, and eventually a principal. So if you don't hear from me much, that is why; I am stuck in a pile of books somewhere. But I do want to take this moment to thank my AMAZING husband Bryan for being so supportive and sweet during this demanding time.

PS....I'm going to be an Auntie again!!! Tracy is pregnant :) YAY!