Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We can now officially be called THE LLOYDS!

The past month has been an amazing whirlwind of pure goodness. I am often laughed at when my response to the question, “how was the wedding” is “magical”. Cheesy as it may be, it truly was just that; the day was full of beautiful moments, where we wish we could “pause” life like a dvr and bask in the magic. Some of our special moments are:
1. The intimacy of our ceremony. Pastor Tom made it as if we were just there with him, yet at the same time having the support and foundation of our loved ones lifting us up in the audience.

2. Walking down the aisle seeing each other; simply thrilling.

3. Our big entrance: it is indescribable the feeling you get when the entire room’s energy is loving and electric, a high that cannot be matched.

4. Our first dance. A moment we have been dreaming about for a long time….
5. The speeches! Tracy’s was so heart wrenching and beautiful, makes me tear up when I think of it. Jeff’s was a perfect duet of humorous tales and poignant moments. My dad’s was comical with his “Cheers to Allie and Tracy” yet so heartfelt and sincere.

6. The video montage—this was so well done by Cathy and Bob! It was simply perfect from the songs to the pictures….it truly captured a window into our lives and something that we will keep forever.

7. The party! Bryan and I had so much fun dancing the night away. We keep talking about how we want to re-live that night over and over again.

8. Seeing our adorable nephews in their fancy outfits—Great job boys! Luke, Patrick and Mateo all deserve a round of applause—that is a lot of people and a lot of stimulation and they were angels!

9. Everyone involved; our guests, our family, and our friends. Without you all the day would not have been as magical. THANK YOU!!!!

Enjoy some pictures that highlight the BIG day. I'll also post the link to the professional photos once those are ready :)…..