Thursday, February 24, 2011

A rainy day amongst the sunshine

Tuesday was one of the worst days ever. Bryan and I have a started a beautiful little “family” with our pups, Tex and Bo, and on a Tuesday afternoon, it seemed as if that little family that once was, diminished before our eyes. Bo, aka “Boseph”, the “Peepers”, “Bo-Peep”, “the baby” passed away. We want to celebrate his life and in doing so, here are just some of our favorite things about Bo:

1. The way he looked at you when you blew in his face

2. His energetic personality, he literally lived every second to the fullest, never letting any moment pass him by. He loved life.

3. His allergies that made his eyes red

4. His beautiful blue eyes that often scared people

5. The way he rolled on Bry’s chest if Bry was laying on the floor

6. His protective nature for his mom

7. His little whines he made when he was excited

8. How he used to steal Tex’s food once Tex was finished

9. The way he laid his head on the bed and just stared at you to try and wake you up

10. His little noise he would make when playing

11. His bedtime smell

12. The way he would put his ears back when he was ready for bed

13. How he used to lay just outside the bathroom door if we were in the shower

14. The way he would always be by your side if you were sick

15. His little curly tail

16. His friendly nature to EVERYONE

17. The way he used to watch TV, he was literally OBSESSED with the television and would run to the screen every time he came inside the house

18. The way he would literally attack you with excitement if you made a funny noise

19. His silky and clean fur that never seemed to get dirty no matter how often he rolled in the dirt

20. Everything he did that caused us stress: his chewing, biting, constant curiosity, and puppy nature. Oh how we will treasure those shoes with his little teeth marks or his destroyed bed with all of the puffy filling taken out. Who knew we would miss something like that?

Rest in peace our beautiful Bo. We love you so much and you were literally THE BEST DOG in the world. Thank you for filling our home with laughter and pure joy. “Dad” and I are so excited to start our future in roughly 3 weeks on our wedding day, and we will always think of you and your beautiful personality. For his short time on Earth, you gave our family (Bry, Tex and myself) so much entertainment and love, we just hope to one day have another dog who lives life they way you did, Bo. Thank you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bridal Shower

My sisters are the best! I had the most beautiful bridal shower ever! It was such an amazing time, and my sister and sis-in-laws made it a day I will never ever forget. Here is a link to some fun photos! Thank you Tracy, Meli, and Jax!

Bridal Shower fun! :)

Engagement pics, better late than never!

Our wedding is less than 30 days away and we cannot wait! Here are some pictures from our engagement session.....

We absolutely love our photographer, Mollie Jane! :)